There might come a time in your life when you’ll need to avail of a loan in order to secure money. While there are several loan options available to you, most of the hinges on your financial state or credit rating. This closes the door on people who have less than stellar credit ratings or those who are currently unemployed. Luckily, you can still get a loan even if your credit score isn’t good or if you don’t have a job. You can actually borrow using your car Edmonton Alberta.
How Auto Title Loans Work
Aside from a house, your vehicle is your most valuable and expensive collateral. You can use it to apply for a vehicle title loan when you need cash fast. Basically, this is a cash for car loan for a specific amount of money to be paid in a short duration. You have to give the lending company your vehicle’s title as security. Auto lending companies accept cars, motorcycles, and trucks as collateral.
Lenders typically have to repay the loan within 30 days. The application process is usually fast and borrowers can even receive the money the same day they applied. However, title loans can be risky and expensive as defaulting in your payments can result in your vehicle being repossessed.
Lowest Interest Rates in the Industry
Having a bad credit score or being unemployed isn’t the end of the world. Canadian Equity Loans can help you secure the cash you require. You can borrow up to $50,000 at very low interest rates. You don’t have to worry about credit checks or providing proof of income. Best of all, you’ll drive home in your car. So call them at their toll-free number 1-844-586-6311 or go to their website and send your application online.
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