If you find yourself suddenly saddled with an emergency debt, credit card bills, unpaid rent, sudden unemployment, bankruptcy, emergency medical expenses, student loans, or even a mortgage, help is on the way from Car Loans Brooks Alberta.
The promise from collateral car title loans is to strive to give what the borrower really needs and this is fast emergency cash. The important thing is that the loan is approved fast for those emergencies and urgent needs so long as the borrower has a fully owned car and the car title is lien free.
Collateral car loans offer the lowest interest rates when compared to short term loans and unsecured bank loans.
The loan is approved in just one hour once you bring in the car for inspection and appraisal for its true market value. The loan amount can be up to $50,000.
No credit checks need to be done for no credit check title loans so this means even if the borrower has bad credit and no credit it won’t matter with the loan approval. And what’s more, the borrower gets to keep the car and keep driving it even while repaying the loan.
Unlike short term loans and unsecured loans that will make you fill up sheets of application forms, make you wait days or weeks for the loan approval, and if you have bad credit the loan won’t even be approved, collateral auto title loan lenders give you the best customer service any borrower deserves because the stress of having money problems and applying for a loan is more than enough.
At Canadian Equity Loans, we loan you money based on the value of your fully owned car and not your credit history and score. That means that you have fast access to emergency cash whether you have bad credit or no credit at all. Call Canadian Equity Loans now at their toll-free number 1-844-586-6311 or apply online.