Finding yourself needing cash because of an unexpected bill or an emergency is one of the most stressful things you’ll ever experience. There are several options available to you in this instance, like borrowing money from family or friends. You can also apply for an Easy Bad Credit Loan Charlottetown PEI if you own a car. But what if your car was a gift? Can you still use it as collateral?
Yes, you can get cash for the car even if the collateral was a gift from your parents or a relative as long as your name is on the title. Cases, where the vehicle in question was inherited from someone else, are also common. If you’re in a similar situation, you should take steps to have your name included in the title of ownership. Your parents or whoever gave you that car would have to sign a specific portion of the document to transfer the car officially to you.
What about titles with two names on them? In this case, you have to double-check that there’s an “and” between your name and the other owner. That all important conjunction indicates that the two names n the document both own the vehicle.
Faster than the Competition
You are working with the best with Canadian Equity Loans. You can borrow as much as $100,000 from this trusted lender. They have the lowest interest rates around and offer affordable monthly payments. They are offering early payouts without penalties. They don’t do credit checks so even those with poor credit can apply. What’s more, you can get the cash you need within the hour and still keep your car. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-844-586-6311.
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