Getting an Easy Bad Credit Loan Nepean Ontario: Steps to Determine the Value of Your Collateral

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A title loan is a practical solution when you need money fast. Applying is easy and you can use the loan for anything. One question that every prospective borrower wants to know is how much they can get from an easy bad credit loan Nepean Ontario. As it depends on the collateral, knowing your car’s value will give you an idea of the amount. Here’s how to go about it:

How to Estimate Loan Value

  • Assess your car’s straight worth. You can use online car valuation tools to determine the collateral’s value. However, the Kelly Blue Book, the NADAguides and Edmunds are the best sources as you can easily look up the value of the vehicle. However, you should also take into account the car’s age, make and model, and condition.
  • Consider what you still owe the dealer. Once you’ve pegged down the car’s value, it’s time to look at how many payments you have left. You can skip this stage if the vehicle is completely paid off but if it isn’t, then you need to deduct the amount you still owe.
  • Verify the percentage the lender uses. Many auto finance companies offer loans that fall anywhere from 25% to 50% of the collateral’s value. Ask the lender what percent they typically work on. Once you have all that information, you can then do the math.

Get You More Money Than the Competition

Canadian Equity Loans offers better deals than their competitors. They can provide as much as $50,000 in loans. They’re also known for having the lowest interest rates and monthly payments around. They also accept early payouts without penalties. Their fast application process means you can get the money you need within the day. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-844-586-6311.

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