A loan is a good option when you need a substantial amount of cash. For instance, you want to buy a car, a new house or even to start a business. Conventional lenders offer different types of loans geared towards a specific use. However, applying for these loans take time and a lot of effort and patience. For emergencies that require cash now, minimum credit score loans Regina Saskatchewan is the better choice.
How Title Loans Work
You have to understand how a title loan works before you apply for one. A title loan allows you to utilize one of your biggest investments – your car – to get fast cash. This is considered a secure loan because you will be putting up your vehicle as collateral in exchange for money. As the name implies, your vehicle’s title of ownership plays a major role. Instead of surrendering your car to the lender, you will be handing over the title instead.
A title loan is a short-term loan that typically runs for about 30-days. However, you will have the option to extend the terms. This is called a rollover. You will be paying a fee for the extension. This is on top of your standing loan balance. Most title lenders will accept any type of vehicle, although some models or cars that are ten years old might not be accepted. Or if they’re accepted, will not merit a substantial amount. Title lenders work fast so there’s a good chance you can get the money you need within the day.
Faster than the Competition
Poor credit score? No worries. Canadian Equity Loans will still be happy to provide you with financial assistance. They offer loans as high as $50,000, with no credit checks or employment requirements. They also have the lowest interest rates around and can provide flexible payment terms to each customer. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-844-586-6311.
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