Be Wary of These Mistakes When Getting a Poor Credit Car Loan Surrey British Columbia

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Applying for a poor credit car loan Surrey British Columbia is so simple. It’s one of the reasons why this loan has become a runaway favorite among consumers. But it is also so easy to make mistakes when getting this loan, especially if you’re new to borrowing money. Unfortunately, one mistake can have a grave impact on your finances. Here’s what you should be mindful of:

Title Loan Mistakes You Should be Wary of Making

  • Borrowing more than you need. While applying for more money is tempting, it will hurt you in the long run. Higher loan amounts also mean higher interest rates, especially as specialized car equity loans have a truncated payment period. You’ll end up being at more risk for defaulting on the loan and paying more in the long run.
  • Ignoring the loan contract’s fine print. Many borrowers make the mistake of simply scanning the contract before signing it. Maybe they’re in a hurry or they’re overwhelmed by all the technical terms. This can be a costly mistake as you could miss a critical detail like penalties and hidden fees.
  • Requesting for a rollover. Extending your loan’s contract for another month or so is called a rollover. While it gives you a reprieve since the payment and penalties will be rolled over to the following month, it pushes your interest rates up. It also doesn’t absolve you from late payment penalties.

Trusted Car Loan Expert

Canadian Equity Loans is one of Canada’s most trusted companies. They offer as much as $50,000 in loans, along with low-interest rates. They also accept early payouts without penalties. You don’t have to worry about credit or employment checks either. Applying is so easy. Sign up at their website or call their toll-free number at 1-844-586-6311.

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