There are many advantages to having a good credit score. You can enjoy lower interest rates in your credit cards or get discounts from telecom companies and other businesses. It can also help you secure a fast loan Saint John New Brunswick. The challenge is how to keep your score on the positive side. Here are some suggestions to help you.
Ways to Keep a Good Credit Rating
- Make sure you pay on time. You get points if you pay your bills on time or in advance. Credit bureaus and service companies will also view you as someone reliable. Aside from rent or utilities, you should also settle your credit card bills, your Netflix account, student loans, etc. without delay. Late or missed payments get reported to credit bureaus.
- Manage your credit cards properly. Avoid going over your credit limit as it gives an unfavorable image. Be mindful of your card’s balance and try to keep it within 30% of the limit. You should also keep your old cards open and active. The issuing bank will stop giving credit bureaus updates if you close the card. Once that happens, it will be erased from your credit history and could cause your rating to drop.
- Keep debts at a tolerable level. Too much debt or open credit lines could result in points taken. Try to keep your debt level low. It will make keeping a good credit score easier and help with your car equity application.
Lowest Interest Rates You Can Find
No matter what your credit score is, you can still secure a loan from Canadian Equity Loans. The company can let you borrow as much as $50,000, with no credit checks involved. They also offer low-interest rates and affordable monthly payments. Sign up on their website or call their toll-free number at 1-844-586-6311.
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