There are times when your finances will take a hit. The pandemic certainly affected millions of people around the globe. A medical emergency, a natural […]
The COVID pandemic was a calamity on a scale the world has never known. Unfortunately, it’s not the only disaster people might face. Tornadoes, floods, […]
Things are very different this holiday season. It’s the second year that we’re celebrating under a pandemic. Consumers are now used to the new normal […]
They say ideas come easy when it pertains to businesses. It’s the implementation that’s the problem. It’s more challenging when you have a small home-based. […]
COVID-19 has been hard on everyone. The worldwide health crisis has changed our social interactions and the way we do business. Many people are also […]
Single parents face a lot of challenges when it comes to raising a family. It’s hard to manage a single-income household, especially with the ongoing […]
Small businesses are the backbone of any economy. And in the past decade, female entrepreneurs have made their presence felt. Unfortunately, they still face a […]
Despite the modern notions of equality, women remain at a disadvantage when it comes to finances. They earn less than their male counterparts, live longer, […]
More finance companies are offering online loans. However, this type of service isn’t for everyone. Whether or not you’re better off applying one or going […]
2020 was a terrible year for all industries as COVID-19 forced countries to close their borders and businesses. But with vaccines being rolled out and […]
Millions of people are now living paycheck to paycheck due to bills and debt payments. The pandemic has also exacerbated the situation as businesses have […]
Stay-at-home protocols and businesses shutting down have caused millions of people their jobs. Even those who are still employed are struggling to meet their daily […]
Managing a household is challenging enough even with two or more people bringing in an income. It becomes a logistical nightmare if you’re a single […]
The coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the world. It has forced countless businesses to close, companies to reduce work hours, and workers to […]
The novel coronavirus issue has shocked a large proportion of the population at a time when people are already stressing out over their finances. While […]